Key takeaways from the 2021 State & Regional Data Report include…


youth mental health needs are a priority

25% of participating Kentucky 10th graders scored 13 or more on the Kessler-6 scale, meeting the threshold for serious psychological distress – an increase of three percentage points since 2018. This measure has increased steadily since it was first included on the KIP Survey in 2012 (a baseline of 17.3%). The percentage of students meeting the threshold for serious psychological distress increased in thirteen out of fourteen regions. Four Rivers (28.8%), Pennyroyal (28.8%), Pathways (29.6%), LifeSkills (30.4%), Mountain (30.8%) reported numbers notably higher than the statewide figure. Across all regions, the scores of 1 in 5 10th graders met the threshold for serious psychological distress.

the pandemic greatly affected the mental health of kentucky students

One in three 10th graders reported experiencing poor mental health most of the time or always during the pandemic.

Suicidal behaviors need critical attention

16% of Kentucky 10th grade graders reported that they had seriously considered attempting suicide during the previous 12 months. 8% of Kentucky 10th graders reported at least one past-year suicide attempt in 2021. Three contiguous southern Kentucky regions, Four Rivers, Pennyroyal and LifeSkills reported the highest number of students responding that they had actually attempted suicide at least one time in the past year.