Data Tools
REACH has developed two dynamic tools useful for analyzing KIP Survey data on a regional and statewide-level. The KIP Data Dashboard and the KIP Data Visualizer allow users to track and display key data indicators utilizing survey results from 2004-2021. Click on the images below to explore each tool.
The KIP Data Summary Dashboard visually tracks a snapshot of key data points from the 2021 KIP survey for each Kentucky’s fourteen prevention regions. The Dashboard is dynamic, and indicators can be displayed according to survey year for all regions combined, or for a specific region chosen from a drop down list.
The KIP Data Visualizer, developed through the Kentucky State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW), is a tool for planning and program prioritization in the prevention and treatment of substance abuse and mental health disorders across Kentucky's prevention regions. Users can create grade and gender breakdowns from several key indicators on a statewide or regional level.